Commercial Insurance

Enjoy our full range of great benefits

Motor Insurance

Our insurers provide comprehensive cover for your vehicle against risks such as theft, hijacking, accident, fire and third-party liability. All vehicles owned, leased or hired by your business are covered under one policy. The types of vehicles that we insure include the following:

Comprehensive cover

Provides cover for loss or damage to the vehicle, medical expenses as well as Passenger Liability.

Third Party, Fire and Theft cover

Cover is limited to Fire, theft and third-party liability only.

Third Party Only cover

Cover is limited to Third Party Only.

Motor Traders Internal Insurance

Provides cover for loss or damage to vehicles whilst they are on the premises of a business involved motor trade . This cover is suitable for traders who keep vehicles on their premises for the purposes of trade, either for sale or repairs.

Our clients include the following:

Motor Traders External Insurance

Provides cover for loss or damage to vehicles whilst they are away from the insured’s premises. This cover is suitable for traders who use vehicles away from the premises or on public roads for the purposes of trade, either for sale or repairs. The vehicles could be on the road for testing, delivery or demonstration.

Our clients include the following entities:

Public Liability

This is a legal claim brought by a person who has suffered a loss, injury or damage at your premises. Every business needs protection against loss, injury or damage to the public.

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Products Liability

Legal liability claims can be brought for loss, injury or damage caused by the company’s products. Any company that is handling products from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, distributors, processors, importers or exporters can be sued for damage caused by their products.

Employers Liability

This cover protects the employer for loss, injury or death of employees during the course of their employment. Any company that has employees needs this type of cover to ensure that they have adequate financial protection.

Trustees Liability Insurance

Trustees are engaged to manage funds and or business on behalf of other parties. Trustees’ insurance will offer financial security for risks which might occur during their tenure of office such as theft, fraud, errors and omissions as well as professional negligence.

Our clients include the following:
Trustees’ are engaged to manage funds and or business on behalf of other parties. Trustees insurance will offer financial security for risks which might occur during their tenure of office such as theft, fraud, errors and omissions as well as professional negligence.

Our clients include the following:

Goods in Transit

Goods transported from one place to another are exposed to various risks of loss, damage or theft as a result of accidents, fire, weather elements or hi-jacking. Insurance provides security for financial loss suffered during the transit, including loading and unloading of the goods at departure and destination points.

Our clients include the following:

Group Personal Accident

Employees can be affected by accidents which can cause injury, harm, loss of limps, permanent disablement, temporary disablement and death. The Group Personal Accident policy allows the employer to provide financial protection and compensation to employees who might be affected by accidents.

Business All Risks

This insurance provides protection against loss of, or damage to portable business equipment whilst anywhere in the world. Such portable business equipment includes laptops, cell phones and cameras, among others.

Our clients include the following: